This was on 25th may 2010-
While coming back from work, I saw an injured crow being pecked by other crows. I tried to feed it water, but its condition was really bad. I held it in my hand, and was coming back home, when I saw this girl roaming on road. I asked around, and no one knew where she is from, or had not seen other kittens/ cats. Since she looked very weak, I got her home as well!
After coming home I noticed that she had passed stool on my clothes. I assumed that she would have been scared to be picked up by stranger and thats why it happened. She seemed to be very hungry, so we gave a little milk mixed with water, since I didnt know if she would be able to eat anything else. She lapped up the milk. Then after sometime, I gave her a little bit from the Whiskas pouch, and she went beserk!
I realised what was wrong with her. She had worms or indigestion, and was passing stools as loose as water! She would sit, and while getting up, she would pass gas and stools, she would walk, and she would keep dripping stools, she would sleep, and when she woke up, there wud be a pool around! The first night, I spent the whole night cleaning her poo from balcony floor where she was kept (She was not allowed inside the house because we did not know if she had any infections and how Bittu would react to her). She was little bigger than Gabbar, so she could jump on the paprapet, and climb on swing and she left her poo everywhere!
I checked her for dehydration, and she seemd to be ok. Still, I took her to the vet thinknig that she needs to be checked. In the clinic, she was unstoppable! She kept meowing and the vet was also amazed that she had so much of energy. Even though she is passing so much water, she drinks as much, and I mix water in food and give it to her. I named her Xena after the warrior princess, as she also looks like a princess, and has a fighting spirit.
She learnt to jump on the swing in balcony same day. She then jumped on the ledge and sat there. She leart to push the velcro mesh in window, and jump inside on the cot. When I closed the window, she could not come in, but after 2-3 attempts, she learnt to open the window and push the velcro and come in! Today, I had to put stopper in the window to stop her from coming in.
She walks on the ledge and goes to drink water from the bowl kept for other cats, after giving food to Simba, I forgot to close the lid properly, so she opened the lid and started eating food from that, she knows where water is kept for Bittu, and goes and drinks from that.
I put her on the ledge outside where Tiny sits, and she sat there for sometime. After sometime, she jumped down, did little potty and started finding ways to get in. She jumped on the plants grill, and came in the balcony from the opening in the grill!!!!!!!!!!!!
All this in less than 3 days, shes just too smart and amazing!!!!!!!!!
A day later, she went outside the grill, and my dogs, Rani/ Tutti/ Julie who were waiting for dinner, pounced on her. I heard some noise, so went outside to check, and found Xena, right outside my door, on floor, with Tutti about to get on top of her. I picked her up, and rushed home. It was 10 pm Saturday, and no vet was ready to take a look at her. She was not bleeding, but definately had a broken rib (I could feel it). I gave her the medicine which vet suggested, and kept her warm through the night. Next morning, I rushed to vet nearby. She was kind enough to take a look at Xena on a Sunday. She confirmed that Xena has a broken rib, and also a lung rupture!!!!!!!! I was scared as hell! As it is she had loosies, and now lung rupture, how would she survive????? The vet gave her 60% chances of survival.
Next day, her homeopathy started. She was doing fine. Recovering well. After 3-4 days, her lungs seemed to be totally ok, and even her bowels movements seemed to be getting little better (not a lot). After 15 days of this incident, I took her to the vet to check her health and decide whether to give her vaccinations.
She was still not in best of her health, so we decided to do vaccinations after a couple of weeks.
2 weeks later, Xena got high fever. The trip to vet was not helpful, as she said its viral infection. Xena had stopped eating, and for the girl who ran to steal food from our other cats, this was really bad sign. She had fever of 104. Next day also her fever was same. Homeopathy continued to be given every 2 hours. After 36 hours, Xena had first morsel of food, and we heaved a sigh of relief! After 4 days, she was better, eating and moving around the house (she had become so weak, that she could not even walk to her litter box, which was placed right in middle of living room, to facilitate her) When she started drooling, one more vet visit confirmed that she has Calici virus- a dangerous respiratory disease in young kittens, which 70% times kills them. Thankfully due to timely medication, she was not going to die.
After 10 days, Xena is totally back to her old self, and has even started going out and coming back in. In this age of 4 months, Xena has already used up 3 of her 9 lives!
She used up 1 more life when she came back home with blood coming out of her anus, and bite marks on her hind leg. After medication, she has got totally alright, and back to her normal pranks!
At 7 months, she got sterilised, and is getting fatter everyday! The vet suggests that if I dont cut her food by 50% shes going to get 9-10 kilos in weight!!!!! So much for a sick girl, who was not in condition to eat a tiny bit without passing it out!